India’s eternal love affair with gold

Much has been said about India and it’s obsession with gold. “Gold is religion.” “No gold, no wedding.” “Gold to us Indians is that ultimate love object…”

These are just small manifestations of how gold is essential to India and its very rich heritage.

Gold is Sacred
In Hindu, Brahma The Creator, was said to be born from a cosmic egg of gold. Goddesses are described to be golden-hued.The reason behind this notion is that gold is pure for having passed through fire in its process of evolution. Hence, Indians see gold as a symbol of purity, prosperity and good fortune.

Gold as a symbol of security and protection
Countless wars have been fought for the search of gold. Different rulers have dominated India, yet one currency, gold, has remained a common denominator. Hence, wealth is still preserved in times of war, calamities and even natural disasters.

Gold transcends all social strata
India, a vast country with diverse classes, divided by castes, geography, language and what not, enjoys its so-called “unity in diversity.” Despite the differences, everyone shares a common love, gold. In India, no one is poor enough to own gold. Gold, is what the poor and the rich equally aspire for.


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